Monday, 20 February 2012


Welcome to the new page for 4Science1!!!


  1. Kindness
    Raimi is my good friend. He live in Kampung Batu Pecah. He has two sister and he is the oldest. He live with his grandmoher.

    Raimi is very kind . he kind to everyone even to his teacher. His kindness make everyone feel comfortable to talk to him. He always happy and cheer everyone.

    Raimi also like to help anybody. There is the time when he come to me and teach me in study. He teach me about mathematics and chemistry. I always understand when he help me in study.

    In the bus, I do not have money to pay. Then, he come and pay ti for me. Not only once, but many time he do it to me. I glad have friend like him.

    His kindness make me little shame because I cannot do anything to he. He always be my friend forever.

    1. i want to comment about your essay titled 'kindness'. actually there some mistake about your spelling the sentences.'pay ti ' it supposed to be 'pay it'

  2. My Dream
    Dreams is something that we must have in our live. It will make our lives more interesting. We must have spirit to achieve our dream.

    My dream is to become superhero. That dream is really childish but that is my dream when I was child. I have this dream when I watch cartoon such as superman, batman, spiderman and many more. I really excited when watch this cartoon.

    Now, I have my real dream in my life. I want to become soldier. The man who can protect his country and bring peace. Its duty is protect country from enenmy such as terrorist.

    Conclusion, we must have effort to make our dream come true. Its not complete if man live without a dream

    1. Dear ramzi, i want to comment about your essay entitled "My dream". Actually, you have to put a in the sentence "I want to become 'a' soldier".

  3. My Pet

    Pet is animal that we take care with love for our income or just for companion in our lives. Example of animal that can be our pet is cat, dog, bird and fish.
    I also have pet. Its name is Kaka. Its names like the football player from Brazil. Its actually male cat and just only pet that I have now. We always experience many thing from sweet thing to bad thing.
    There some experience that always cannot I forget. One years ago, my family and I wanted to go Port Dickson. When we were ready to go, car key was lost. We searched it everywhere from under bed to cabinet. We searched all gap but we can`t find it. We almost cancel our trip. Then, come our hero that saved the state. Kaka find it in my father cloth. That make our family more love to Kaka. Even Kaka is a cat but it clever. Kaka can find missing thing.
    Kaka also can catch rat fast. When Kaka saw rat, its chase that rat. A few second , the rat was caughted by Kaka. Its is excellent catch the rat. That make our house was afraid by rat. Eventually, Kaka is cute with white hair and some black spot.
    Now, Kaka almost two years old and I cannot keep it again because I have to study in England. I give Kaka to my niece to take care of him. I told him to keep him until I come back and take care Kaka again.

  4. I want to comments about your essay entitled My Pet. Your mistake is on the sentence "Kaka also can catch rat fast". Actually the right sentence is "Kaka can catch the rat fastly". By the way,nice blog.

  5. my pet

    Pet is mean by an animal that we take care of it and the animal will not harm it’s guardian . The pet that people usually take care of it is cat, dog, hamster, fish, tortoise, iguana, even snake.

    I also have petting a pet that is cat. I starting pet the cat is when the first cat tha named ‘Joji’ is coming to my house. My younger brother felt pity and ask my parent permission to take care of it. ‘Joji’ is female cat.

    Starting from that total of my cat increases from year to year and the latest total is 13 all of it .Maybe you think ‘ Wahh , so many cat, how you can take care all of your cat ?’

    The important thing when you want to take care of cat, you must have a passion to them. Don’t just you want to take care of it but you won’t to bath them , give them food.back to my story, my 13 cat so intelligent because they so understand about their guardian. If I in sad or mad mood my cat will came to me and ask for play, I think my cat think if I play with then its can return back my good mood.

    If you want to pet a cat you must you must have some knowledge to take care of them according to their species. If you have allergic to fur you can pet an iguana maybe or else that fit with.

    1. dear friend,
      please check your spelling, and after word 'will' must be base form such as will come
      lastly quiet short but nice..

  6. my dream

    Everybody in the world have their own dream. like me , I also have my own dream. for more detail I will specified my dream in a few aspect.
    My dream in future in career , I would like to be a doctor. you want to know why I want to be a doctor?. I would like to be doctor because I want to fulfill my mother's dream too. I also love to help people and treat people. This is also one of my passion.
    My dream in community is I want to organize a house for abandoned cat. This dream is inspired when I go walk with my family I always saw abandoned cat for being torture they hungry .Some people kicked them then also there people willing to crash them without any feeling. So , instead of that I would like to build a reserved house for them.
    My dream in relationship is I would like to tighten my coverage with my mighty god. besides that with my family and my best friend . what about my future partner ?. that will be secret . I hope in future I don’t have a bad and negative perspective towards people that I first time met them.
    At the end of my essay , like everybody , they must be hope that their dream will them achieve in future. Insya-Allah , if they work hard I think they absolutely can achieve their dream. I hope I will be the success person. Amin.

    1. in paragraph 2
      'when I go walk' should be when I went to walk..

  7. kindness

    Samsul was a wonderfully good-looking young man , popular in Kampung Sepat Batu but without profession. He was in love with the head villager daughter,Salmah. He wanted to marry Salmah but he did not have enough money.

    ' If you want to marry Salmah , come here again when you have RM 20,000 to marry my daughter,' said Tok Mat.

    One morning he watched television an look for an advertisement about programme 'RM 1 000 000 MONEY DROP'. He think wanted to try his lucky, so he go for the audition. when he go for the audition and he made to go for the programme.

    On the 'RM 1 000 000 Money drop' programme , she made to brought RM 800 000.Samsul has delighted all villagers. Now he become so popular. Some money from it he sped on his wedding day, with the money also he buy a house, a car and run a business.

    One day Salmah asked him , 'Honey , now you have everything , did'nt you think wanted to donated some of your money to the people that really need it'

    Then Samsul think deeply about his wife suggestion, and he donate RM 500 000 to Tabung Bersamamu TV3. So he hope that the money will lighten poor people.

    1. check spelling..
      in paragraph 3 'lucky' should be luck..
      in paragraph 4 she should be he..

  8. exercise

    Healthy life style is very important nowaday because without good health,having a lot of money is meaningless and health is wealth.One of the ways to make a healthy life is exercise.The question is what we can get from the exercise that can our healthy life? Exercise that efficient can give advantages to ourself.
    Firstly,it can produce a good health especially to physical side.we can exercise anytime and anywhere but at least three times a week.when we do exercise excretory substances include urea,water and excess mineral salt will get rid of from our body through excretory system.Thus,we can reduce suffer from a chronic disease like heart attack.
    Besides,exercise is important to maintain ideal weight and avoid obesity.if weare already overweight,we need more exerciseto burn more fat. Research that scientist carry out shows who that already overweight easily to bare suffer from illness like diabetes and blood pressure comparing who maintain to ideal weight.
    After that,processof studying can be easily if ourself do exercise that true.So make sure before do exercise,we must ace advice from doctor or someone that having great knowledge about exercise.If our body is health,we can learn in comfortable condition.Ourbrain also can be more efficiency function.”good brain in a body healthy”
    Furthemore,exercise can lead ourself to use our times profitably.Simultaneously,can avoid ourself from unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking alcohol as both habits are expensive and unhealthy,bringing about lung and liver complications later in life.So we do not have to feel guilty about wasting time.
    Lastly,while we do exercise with our family,friends,cousins or neighbours,we can comunicate with them and produce good,interesting and outstandingly idea about something through changes opinion.Do exercise with someone can make anything relationship become closely.We can aso,produce harmony and peaceful surrounding.
    In a nut shell,there are many positive effects that we can get from the exercise.If we want to be a brililant person,we must practise exercise in our daily life so that it can be habitual and accustomed to ourself.We can enjoy things in the present as well as later if we are maintaining a healthy life style.
    Thank you.

    1. dear farah nini ...
      overall of the story i does not really understand what did you want to say , i think you must not easily take a word from dictionary and put it in your sentence. sometimes it not suitable. i think you must have a lot of exercise just like me.

    2. okay,thank you for the comment.

  9. My dream

    My name is Farah Nini.I’m 16 years old.Next year,i’ll confront with SPM examination.So fearful but i hope i’ll get a good result and can be accepted to USM in Pulau Pinang.
    I love science subject because it can see the powerful of Allah in create living things.It’s so interesting.That why i desire to be a scientist when i grown up.
    In my opinion,scientist can bring me closer to Allah because scientist expose me to creation of Allah.Matter that to appear me to be a scientist is many scientist from the west became a muslim.(Glory be to Allah the Almighty)
    To be a scientist i must get a good grade espescially science subject and english subject,because it is necessary in scientist daily life.Therfore,i must “master” in this subject to be a calibre scientist.
    Unfortunately,i find myself weak in english subject.The prove is,in every test that i take,for sure that mark for english subect is very low than the other subject.Sometimes i feel hopeless but i must remember that Allah don’tlike the hopeless people.
    However,i like it when the people around me such as my family,friends,teachers and cousin speak in opinion is the people who can speak in english is so great.
    One day,my school held a public spaking competition in commemoration of english day.My friend took part in this event.Whan she start her speech,that time,i feel its amazing even though i don’t understood the speech.
    Last but not least it is my hope that i’ll be a good in english subject and achieve my ambition to be a succesful scientist soon.The imortant thingsis to be avail to society,religion and country so thatour country will move forward similar the other country.
    Thank you..........

    1. dear farah.. there are so much mistake on your spelling. you must be cautious when tapping the word. so i hope you will success in mastering English subject

  10. My pet
    My name is Farah nini.I’m 16 years old.I love cat very much.I have many cats at home.It’s about four cats.But only one that i think very special to me.It’s Comel.
    Actually,my father bought comel one year ago from a pet shop.He gave to me as a gift because i got a good result in final examination.I’m so happy because i can add my ‘friend’.
    I promised to myself that i’ll take care of Comel.Comel is a female cat.Now,it’s 2 years old.Comel is a persian cat.That is why,it’s has beautiful,smooth,and thick fur.
    Comel is so cute from the other cat.the things that special about Comel is her very big and blue eyes. Wow!like english people eyes.Her eyes can attract the people who see Comel.
    Comel has a round and fluffy face.It’s also a wise pet because it can take care itself.For example,she knows where and how to eat,drink,sleep and the most important things is she knows where to urinate and defecate.
    My father build a small house for my favourite cat,Comel.My father also constructed the house from high quality woods.The size is very small.It can be refuge to comel from sunlight and raining.So that Comel will comfortable and happy.
    I bought long rope and small ball that is suitable for Comel to play.Comel likes to play with them when she is free .When she plays with the ball and rope,she is very concentrate without pay heed to the people around her.
    During the holiday,Comel and i spend time together.I’ll bring Comel to go out to recreation places near to my house.At least,we can reduce our stress and to have some fun.
    I’m very happy to have a pet like Comel. Comel is likes my friend at home.I love comel so much.I hope comel will grow in good surrounding and be a good pet.
    Thank you.....

    1. dear farah... this essay quite easy to understand . i am so enjoy read your essay. not so much mistake this time. finally you have a good essay. good job

  11. my best friend

    Everybody has best friend, right. Just like me I also has my best friend. I have best friend since I am still in kindergarten. My best friend during kindergarten is Alia. She is the tallest girl in my class. She is very nice. Now, I had lost contact with her. The latest news that I know is now she is study at MRSM Pekan, Pahang.
    In primary school, I have a lot of friend like Laila, Syahira, Nadia, Puteri, Fatin, Aqilah, Batrisyia, Ain, and so on. They always help me whenever I am in trouble. Like Syahira, she is a very good listener. Although, we love to fight each other but we always become good again a few minutes after we fight.
    In secondary school, I also get know too many friends. The person that I get to know is Farah Nini, Anura, Intan, Afifah, Farhana, Amira, Syahida, Syazwani and many more. Most of them are from different primary school. They are also very intelligent girl.

  12. What I did During Last School Holiday

    Last school holiday was celebration for Muslim people, which is Hari Raya Day. It was a celebration after one month Muslim people fasting. All Malaysian love Hari Raya Day because it was a holiday for all Malaysian even for the non-Muslim people.
    Like always during the morning of Hari Raya Day. All the Muslim will go to mosque to perform Hari Raya Pray including me. I always perform it with my family. After that we will breakfast together. But, during Hari Raya our menu for breakfast a little bit special, that is we have ‘Lemang’, ‘Ketupat’, ‘Rendang’, ‘Kuah Lodeh’, and so on.
    After breakfast we will unite with all my relatives and ask for forgiveness among each other. After that, we will leave to Johor to visit my relatives there. That’s all that I do in 1st Hari Raya Day.

  13. Family

    Everyone is a member of a family. Like me also, I have family tree. The base is my father, his name is Jalaludin bin Mohd. Daud. My mother’s name is Norafizah binti Mohamad Raduan. I have one brother and one sister. My brother’s name is Muhammad Danial bin Jalaludin. He is in form 3 and will be stand for PMR on this October. My sister’s name is Nur Safiyyah binti Jalaludin. She is in standard 2.
    I also have a big family from my father side also my mother side. From my father side, I have 7 uncles and 5 aunts. I also have 55 cousins. From my mother side, I have 1 uncle and 4 aunt and 6 cousins.
    That’s all for my writing today about my family. I hope my family happiness will last still forever.

  14. Love

    Love is blind. That’s the words that are related to love. It is true that love is blind. From my opinion I think the phrase ‘Love is blind’ is true because people willingly sacrifice anything even their life to protect their love.
    Love is about a special relationship that relate with feeling between a girl and a boy. Love are ‘thing’ that very difficult to describe about it. But with love can destroy someone. For nowadays cases there are too many people commit suicide just because their boyfriend or girlfriend dishonest with them. So pity.
    For the conclusion, we must not too believe to someone. Get know to them first, investigate about their background, how their family life and about their attitude.

  15. 'If Only I listen....'

    If only I listen my mother advice, I wouldn’t be like now. I now in Hospital Sungai Buloh, because I had broke my leg, my body full of scratches.
    He beginning of the story is when I, stubborn to ride my motorcycle. My mother said don’t ride motorcycle because I did not have license, motorcycle road tax has been expired, and the most worst is I did not wear a helmet. It is occurring when I am at traffic light, the traffic light showed green light. Then, I crossed, suddenly there are ‘crazy’ car driver that crossed the road even the traffic light was at red light. Then the car crashed me. The driver was been arrested at police office at Sungai Plong and my parent has been questioned by the officer.
    From that accident, my mother won’t ever allow me to ride motorcycle even I have my license, motorcycle road tax has been okay, and I wear a helmet.

  16. The Embarassing Moment In My Life

    The most embarrassing moment in my life is when I entered the wrong toilet. It supposed to be entering the ladies room, but entered the gentlemen room. It happened when I am hurriedly to pee. I am hurriedly pay for the toilet until I forget that the ladies room was at left, but I entered the right side that is gentlemen room.
    In the toilet there it was no people there, because of that I am thinking I was right. Then, I go pee at the toilet. When I finished, there are men were going to zip out his trouser to pee. Then the men and I were screamed out loudly. Then I am hurriedly going out from the room.
    When I am out then I realized that I got entered the wrong rest room. For the lesson is, next time I will always able in calm and not be hurriedly like that moment anymore.

    1. it supposed to be entering should be I supposed to enter..
      nice essay..

  17. A person I admire

    Everyone in the world has their person that them admire to. Most people that are people admire to like Barack Obama or someone who give inspire to all people. Like me I admire to my prophet, Rasulullah s.a.w. he is most historical person in history of the world.
    What are so interesting about him?. The most interesting about him is his character and behavior towards people. Although, he Rasulullah is a Muslim , he doesn’t do something that can hurt people. For example, old time ago, there are one Jewish old lady that always throw something smelly to him whenever Rasulullah s.a.w pass through her house. But one day when the Jewish old lady sick , visit the old lady and cook porridge for her.
    That all for my writing today, and I hope I can exampled him as far as I can, to be a very good person in the person.

    1. in paragraph 1 'that them' should be 'that day'..
      good choice..

  18. A person I admire
    Everyone born into this world because of a woman. The incredible woman called mother. The incredible woman who risked her life while she pregnant in nine months. This incredible woman who raised her child tirelessly. No matter what, those incredible women always take care of us. Everybody should be proud of their mother so do I. I am proud of my mother.
    My mom was born in Kuang, fifty-three years ago. Growing up in poor family make she becomes accustomed to be a hard worker since her early age. She did not study until high school because her family economy hardship, but she is a versatile woman. After she graduated from her school, she attended many courses by her own money which was she got from trending in traditional market. She attended cooking course, sewing course and make-up course. Economy hardship did not stop my mother’s steps. She kept studying. She specifically searched what’s to wake up from her hardship.
    Got married in young age is very rare now but it was experienced by my mother. She got married when she was eighteen years old. My mother has been a labourer at that time. The salary was not quiet much. Two years after marriage, my mom gave birth to my first sister and a year later my second sister was born. Since that moment, my mom decided to resign from her job from factory. Few years later, my first brother was born. My grandmother asked my mother for gave her a girl grandchild, but in my mom’s mind at that time was enough for had three children. Sadly, six years later my grandmother passed away. Just two years different with my birth. My mom was very sorry.
    My mom loves to cook. Her cook was very delicious and has tied my appetite. Also, she likes to sew. She can sew many types of baju kurung. Even though my mom likes to nag at me, but I am sure that’s all for my good deed. Sometimes I don’t get understand why she nag at me but I always take it to a positive side. I believe that there must be a reason why she’s like that.
    My mom is a very tough and patient woman. She never complained or says that she tired doing all the housework. Even if she is tired, she still can smile and did her job as a mother in our house. I am really respects her! My mom is a very loving woman. She knows how to persuade me when I am having a bad mood.
    She always told me “you have to keep your dreams alive, because dreams will always press you to study and never cease you from stiving; she never got tired to achieve her dreams. This inspired me a lot. She always tell me t be kind, because kind person will always be blessed by Allah. Also, one more precious thing in life is patient want to thank my mother for all things that she gave to me and all things that she taught to me. I love u so much mom!

    1. I think that your essay is quiet long but i am not bored to read. Nice essay and keep it up.

  19. Best friend
    Best friend. To me, best friend is such like a family to me. A best friend is the person who comes in when, out the door, the whole world has gone. A best friend is the one who loves the truth of you and will tell the truth in spite of you. There are lots of people who you make friendship with, but it is very hard to find a true and honest friend.
    But Ali is very lucky that he have a best friend with whom he can share his feelings and divide grief with. His best friend’s name is Lisa. She is very friendly, and Ali is very happy to have Lisa as his best friend .She is very hard working, and an honest girl.
    Lisa has all those friendly habits that we seek in a friend such as a friendly behaviour and full of respect. She is very respectful person. She respects everyone no matter who they are. Lisa also is a very helpful person .For instance; she helps her parents in their work such as cleaning the house. She also helps her mother preparing the dinner.
    Also, Lisa is a hardworking and a very punctual girl. She likes doing her homework on time. For example, she always does her homework on time and gives it to teacher where never it is a due. She always attends her class and prepare for the test. She always studies hard for her success.
    She also is a very honest friend .She is very well-mannered and organized person. She loves the truth and lying .Beyond that if she makes any mistakes, she tries to solve the mistake. She doesn’t like hiding things like most of the people do.
    In conclusion, Lisa is very friendly and kind girl. She loves the people who talks honestly. And for sure Ali are very happy to have her as his best friend.

    1. In paragraph 4, we cannot use the word "also" in front of the phrase. Overall, nice essay.

  20. Embarrassing moment in my life.
    I feel embarrassed when I remembered back to this incident. The day of the oral report is the most embarrassing moment happened. I slowly raised my hand after the teacher asks if anyone else needs to do the oral. As I scoot the chair back to stand up, my ears begins to turn red hot and I started to sweat on my hands and forehead. As I look up from the podium, I noticed they are waiting for me to speak.
    I find myself difficulty in breathing, almost as if I have forgotten how to I wipe the sweat off from my brow, and open my mouth to speak. But the words just will not come out as I hit a force to it. Those thirty pairs of eyes are gazing at me in wonderment avoid them by looking down at my index cards, held by my excessively sweaty hands. The class is remarkably silent, waiting for me to continue. Nervously, I attempt to speak again, but again I block. I make a stronger effort to try to spit the words out.
    I first realized I was different than the other students in my class. While the thirty other students in my class could speak aloud while I am unfortunate. I noticed when I spoke, I would suddenly get stuck on a word that I could not say .During my middle school days, I become shy because trying to hide this quirk of mine was my main concern.
    So much so, if i could avoid speaking aloud in class, I would. I did not want to subject myself to a class full of students laughing at me. I was so upset at my lack of fluency in speak that I thought something was seriously with me. So, I wish I could face my problem soon. I was totally embarrassed that time.

    1. I also wish that you will face your problem soon. Nice essay.

  21. If only I listen
    If only I listen to my mom’s advice, I think this nightmare would not happen to me. I still remembered the day when I went home from school while riding my new scooter. I rode it in high spirits .Before that, my mom had told me not to ride my scooter to school because of the rainy cats and dogs out there. But, I stubbornly ride that scooter to school.
    Weirdly, I usually took the normal way to went home, but that day I wanted to buy some ‘nasi lemak’ at the roadside of Jalan Biru. The Mak Melah nasi lemak was very delicious. What I most like is the sambal was not too hot, just nice and suitable to my cup of tea.
    The Mak Melah nasi lemak stall just across the road. So, I decided to make a u-turn to cross the road. Out of the blue, there comes a cute boy across in front of me. I have my break and tried to avoid that boy. But suddenly since I am still a freshie, I can’t deal with the paddle plus the road is slippery due to the heavy rain just now. I knew I am not in hot water, and I just let my scooter and I passed out.
    Then, in a blink of eye, I realized that I am not on the Jalan Biru anymore but in the hospital. I am very shock and luckily my mom was there besides me. Upon seeing my mom, I hug my mom tightly. I kiss her and say a much sorry to her. Then, my mom said that I should thank to Mak Melah because she had rescued me and took me to the hospital.
    Due to that accident, i have broken legs. Luckily, I am still alive and thank to God for that. For sure, this incident would remind me and give a huge impact to my life.

    1. I think there is some problem with the word "i have broken legs". Nice essay.

  22. family
    A family i the first school in which a child receives the basic values of life. He learns good manners in the family. The morals and values learn in family becoming our guiding force. They make our character. They lay the foundation of our thinking .I feel fortunate to be born in a family where values are inculcated in early child.
    I belong to a moderate class family. There are seven members in my family. They are our parents, my two sisters, my two brothers and me. My dad is the head of the family.He enjoys a commanding positions. His decisions is final in family matters. Everybody respects him . although he is fierce, but actually he is really a kind man. My dad is a retired police.
    My mother is a simple woman. She is a full time housewife. She is soft-natured and caring. She is very kind. I like my mom's cook! Her cook is the delicious ever!Even though my mom likes to nag, but I know she did all that for my own deeds.
    Since our child, we are taught to respects the eldest and love the children. We learn the lesson of punctually and honesty from our parents. It is due to the good educations that my parents give to us and we all could excel in both our academic and sports. Since our childhood we have been teaches to get early in the morning . But , sometimes I hate to it.
    Our family is like heaven. There is a peace,prosperity and love in our family. Even though my other siblings sometimes irritating me and we got a fight, but at last we get back. We respect each other and love each other. My family is my priority and for sure, I love my family.

    1. In paragraph 1 and line 1, i don't understand the words "i the first school". Overall, nice essay.

  23. Family
    Hi it's nice to meet you again. I almost forgot to share about my family. So today I would like to share about my family.

    My family consist of four members only. Which is I have my father, my mother, elder brother and I. Even though my family is small but we are happy to live together. We live in a small house but comfortable at 150c, Batu 16 1/2 Sg. Plong, Sg. Buloh.

    Firstly I want to share about my father's profile. He is 54 years old. He was born on 23rd of July 1958. He is hard working and funny person but before this he is a temper person. I don't know when he turns to a funny person. Maybe after he leaves his job in the office day. Nowadays, he always makes us laugh but sometimes he is so annoying. Haha. Sorry to say. He works at an office. He is an architect and engineer but it was long time ago. Now he works on his own. He will grab all the tender that he receive. During my child hood day my father had to spend frequent rip outstation an at times we had to move or transfer to other places. If I can recall we have move about to five countries in Malaysia and two countries in Sweden. We live in Sweden for about three years. We live at my grand's house. They are so adorable and kind. In the event of my father occupation at times I feel uneasy with this situation. However, it gives me advantage to get to know new friends and different cultures. I must say, I have a lot of friends. I receive a lot of greeting messages especially Hari Raya, season and also on every new year celebration.

    Secondly I have a lovely mother. She is also like my father because she likes to make a joke. She is a responsible mother which is she will make some meal, dessert, fruit drink and so on. I really can't count how much she take a good care of us. Sometimes she is violent in temper because of us. She is a housewife. A long time ago she is a practical teacher at the SMK Taman Melawati but I don't know why she quit the job. I wake up before the sun rises morning after the 'subuh' pray, I will open some books of a few subject but then I'll help my mother prepared the morning breakfast for us. My mother and i share the same interest that we cannot resist any food that is very good.

    Lastly is about my elder brother who is one year older than me goes to same school as I am attending. He is annoying brother because he always disturb me when I am studying. He is intelligent but lazy. That is why he seldom got a result with a flying colours. He attend 5G class. He loves geography that is why he moved from D which is art stream to G which is geography class. He does not like to read a story book. We use to study together after school and also help each other in doing our house chores. My brother and I will walk together to school at east since my house is five minutes away from school. My cat, Rooney always follows us to school. He will find his way home when we reached at the main gate because he is afraid of cars and buses. We will walk together into the school compound and then he will go after his friends and I'll go after the friends of mine. Then we will start the day at school as a stranger when we meet. It was so freaky. But then he will talk to me when we meet at home.

    That is all about my family. How about yours?

  24. Loves
    Hello and a very good morning to my fellow friends. today i would like to share something about love. Altough I'm not good in this topic but I will make it finish because this is my last task to keep it finish. So enjoy reading.

    When I was very young, I was a sickly child. In fact i had to spend most of my life away from school and in bed. Not surprisingly, I was miserable. I fretted a lot and constantly demanded my mother's attention. I was a spoiled brat.

    During the day, I would demand that my favorite delicacies be served to me and that my favorite stories be read to me. At odd hours of the night, i would ask for hot drink or a soup, or just some company.

    "Mum stay with me !", was my constant whine.

    Not once was that demand refused. Not once did my mother groan or grumble. She answered every unreasonable demand of mine with unfailing patience. At that time I just want my mom to stay beside me and accompany me but not my annoying brother and untalkative father. My mom would put everything aside to comfort me. My world consisted of the feel of her cool palms sooting my brow and her floral scent as he leaned over me to tuck in my blanket. I remember the look in her eyes, of deep concern for her sick daughter. That is how i knew my mom loves me then.

    Miraculously, I have out grown my childhood ailments. Now that I am on the threshold of adulthood, my world has grown to include many interesting things and exciting friends. Set free from the prison of the sickbed. I revel the fun that the world has to offer

    1. In paragraph 5 and line 6, the word "he" supposed to be "she".

  25. ESSAY 4 : My Bestfriend

    Every person was born in this world needs a friend though only one. Without friend may our live bored and quiet. Therefore look for friend that makes our live more vibrant and meaningful. Friend and a good friend are different. A good friend is the friend closest to us. Friends may be easier to find but hard to find a good friend. Among the characteristics of a good friend is loyal friend, honest, trustworthy, responsibility and others.
    Faithful friend are the key features that should have good friends. Without this features may be broken friendship relationship. A loyal friend is always with us whether it’s hard or easy. World of camaraderie individuals now hard to find as well as our friend just as happy alone and its difficulty he had no sight of us with the availability of its loyal friends, friendship will improve and close.
    Features such as honest also should have a good friend to make the friendship last long. Honest is all speech, words, and deeds are true without lie. Honest thing in a relationship friendship is important though quite difficult place and will discourage friends. But, we must remember that our friends are definitely angrier with us if we lie to her. Honesty also makes their friendship flourish away from fights.
    Other features that should be included on our good friend are trust. Trust is implementing the responsibilities given to us know how to keep a secret is also a good friend features. We cannot reveal the secret of our friends from the knowledge of others. Without this features it would cause our friends offended and angry to us and thus can alienate friendship relationship.
    All the above features are very important to me to ensure long and friendly relations remains happy. But in my opinion is the best friend is the friend who took me and herself towards goodness. Friend like this will maintain the friendship because God loves anyone close to him. So, I hope to have many friends who can bring me towards the better. Thanks to all the friends who have taught me what life means to me. Thanks a million.

    1. I could not find any mistake in this essay. Overall, nice essay.

  26. ESSAY 5 : The Person I Admire

    Everyone has their idol no exception me. Idols are people we made an example to be similar or follow a good features on his. Idol must have certain criteria that draw our hearts to be like. Therefore, each person must have an idol in order to succeed in one day. My idol is beloved of God, namely prophet Muhammad saw. He is also called saviour of Muslims. His real name is Muhammad b. Abdullah Muhammad name given by his grandfather, Abdul Mutalib which means praiseworthy. He was born on April 20 in 570 masehi. His father’s name is Abdullah b. Mutalib. His mother’s name is Aminah bt.Wahab. Prophet Muhammad has four main properties of trust commendable, telling the truth, deliver, and sage.
    Prophet Muhammad called Al-amin by society in his time because every act and word his always reliable and never lied. The specials, if we follow each speech and action definitely some advantages to ourselves. That is true lover of God. Subhanallah. Among the action that we need to emulate the prophet is the prophet so careful and polite when eating. Each food will be chewed forty times before the food is swallowed into the mouth. Scientist has made a study that show how the prophet is the best diet and this simplifies the process of digestion. If we followed this habit it’s prevent ourselves from getting the disease such as constipation.
    In addition, there is a need to act prophet we follow the method of sleeping prophet. As a Muslims, if we want to stay up to midnight worship like prayers, utter Allah’s name repeatedly in remembrance of His greatness and oneness, reading the Qur’an and to revise before exam, then we must lay sleeping on the right side of the hip. According to study, a person who sleeps on the right side of the hip cannot sleep properly due to heart is on the left are still unable to pump blood around the body smoothly. This is so cause we wake up and do the ritual or study.
    Two many businesses can benefit if we follow the prophet. Therefore, we should strive to follow the prophet because every good deed will be rewarded by Allah. Act prophet and its advantages have also attracted my heart to be a scientist to study the relationship between the prophet’s Sunnah and science fact because I believe people are more confident through scientific research. Perhaps Allah will make easy for all my business in daily life. Taqabbal Allahu Minna Wa Minkum Taqabbal Ya Karim Allahumma Salli ’Ala Saidina Muhammad Wa ‘Ala Alihi Wa Ashabihi Ajma’in.

    1. I think there is some problem with the words "no exception me".

  27. ESSAY 6 : What I Did Last School Holiday

    In the last school holidays, my family and I return village to celebrate the up coming days with relatives. My village is located in Penang. I think this year’s election is more fun than the previous years because of this feast, there will be a meaningful day for my aunt, the marriage ceremony. Men who successfully captured the hearts of my aunt come from Alor Gajah, Perak. Me, my family and relatives happy because my aunt already a men’s wife. Because of the wedding, I and relatives can gather together in the village.
    When the feast ahead of the first day, me and my relatives went to the mosque as usual to perform the Eid prayers and listen to a sermon by the preacher. There are many important and meaningful knowledge can I get in sermon. I was touched and happy as many fellows Muslim went to mosque. After that, I, my family and relatives went to visit the grave of grandfather, uncle and relatives who had died. The tomb is near the mosque. In this area was clean, quiet and have green plants. For the area are responsible maintaining guardians in the tomb. When we visited the grave will create awareness of ourselves and always remember the dead. We also visited the neighbour house.
    Due to the feast of the forth day, my aunt’s wedding, so on the second and third election, I and other relatives who are busy doing weddings preparation to ensure the event runs smoothly. We work together to do a job. Thank God, they are so sporting, cool, not resolved and selfless. They are also helpful to one another. Some of the work we all do is updating and decorating the house, cooking, boiled eggs, and packing goodies together. I’m happy with them as in busy condition, they are my relatives still managed to make me and my relatives laugh with their joke.
    In the forth feast, a historic day for my aunt my new uncle’s recently has come to say, their wedding. The mother of my aunt and also my grandmother definitely felt happy to get law and felt sad too because her youngest daughter become my new uncle owned. On that day, everyone without exception had been given the task to be performed for the success of the event so smoothly and orderly. I and one of the relatives are asks to give goodies to the guest that present at the ceremony. There are many guests present at the event and surrounding quite lively. Thank God, during the event, everything smoothly with what is planned.
    The feast of the fifth and sixth, I, my family and relatives carry life like a normal person. Sometimes, we also managed to visit interest places in Penang. At least, that we spend time with seeking knowledge and get new experiences. In the seventh feast, we make trip go to Alor Gajah, Perak to attend a wedding in the house of my new uncle. When all business was completed, I and my relatives back to our own house. My family and I travel to our house at Kompleks Penjara Sg.Buloh. The travel takes in four to five hours. Thank God, our travel smooth and does not happen something undesirable. I’m happy can spend holiday times with family and relatives. Hopefully, we can go to village and with my relatives again.

    1. In paragraph 1 and line 5, you have said that Alor Gajah is in perak. It suppose to be in Melacca.

  28. ESSAY 7 : My Family
    I have a happy family consisting of eight members,namely my lovely father,mother,sister,two brothers,younger brother, and younger sister.My father’s name is Rus Ghani b. Ruslan.He is 52 years old.My father worked as a prison in the prison department Sg.buloh.My mother’s name is Zuraidah bt. Sein.She is 48 years old.My mother is trading at a religious school canteens in the pison complex Sg.buloh.My family and I lived at a komplex Penjara Sg.buloh.
    My father and my mother are kind even though they re quite strict in educating their children.There are many comments and advices that they gave to my siblings and me.I’m thankful that mom and dad can divide with their children despite busy work.Especially my mother who do extra work to help my father to earn a living themselves and their children.Thank you mom and dad.I promise to be a good and succeful person.
    My sister’s name is Fatin Maisarah.She is 23 years old.She was studying at UITM Shah Alam in account.She also almost completed courses in the near future.My first brother’s name is Ahmad Faris.He is 21 years old.In the near future,he will continue his studies at KPTM Kuala Lumpur in computer networks.My second brother’s name is Ahmad Fahmi.He is 20 years old.He works at a restaurant in KL.They are very kind to me and my refrences if i do not know the lesson.Thanks to them all for helping me in life.
    My names is Farah Nini.I’m 16 years old and studying at SMK Bukit Gading.My younger brother’s name is Ahmad Fikri.He is 13 years old.He was studying at the same school with me.My younger sister’s name is Fakhira Aina.She is 11 years old.She was studying at SK Desa Aman.I spend a lot of time with them than my sister and my brothers because they are still young and need guidance from an adult.Sometimes they like to make me laugh with their joke especially my younger sister and to make me angry with their delinquency.However.thanks to them because make my life more cheerful.
    That’s a little bit about my family background love.I spend time with my family to watch television and eat gathers.That moment is what I like and sweet moment for me.In a nut shell,thank God for having sent them all of my life.I’m happy with my family as well as makes me always happy.Without them all,my life may not be as it is now.I hope all of my family member happy and succesful life and the hereafter.Thanks to my beloved family because makes me a part of yourself.I love you all.My family my love.

    1. In paragraph 1 and line 3,you have said that your father is working as a prison. Actually, prison is the place that he worked. Nice essay.

  29. Essay 8 : Love

    Everyone has their love including me. As a Muslim, our love must be first with loves to our God that created the world. There are many delightful His give to us. Such as healthy, the perfect limb, have happy family and others. Therefore, we must be a grateful person with follow all His command and leave all evil. We also can remembrance for always memorizing Him. The love of God must be more than the love to human. Therefore, our life will be more meaningful.
    After that our love followed by the love of the prophet Muhammad, prophet for all Muslims. Many donations his gives to Muslim. Such as, teaching good morals, eliminate bad attitude, bring Muslims to the right path, and others. Prophet’s Muhammad life is concerned with Islamic teaching, although he was an influence on his time. There are many sacrifices for Muslims. Therefore, as a good Muslim, we must love the prophet more than who are around us. We also must follow the way of his life, so that we can together with prophet of Allah’s messenger in the hereafter.
    Lastly, after love to Allah and the prophet Muhammad, we can continue with love to people. Such as, family, cousins, neighbours teachers, friends and others. We must make sure our love to people can take us towards goodness and Heaven. For the conclusion, we must always remember that love of God is above all things because the love of God is remains. But, love of human will not remain

    1. I am so agree with your statement. Overall, nice essay.

  30. Essay 9 : The Embarrassing Moment in My Life

    At my school, I have many friends who are of different race, Malay, Chinese, and Indian. But I am interested to talk about a Chinese friend of mine. He is my best friend. Her name is Sui Lee. She is my classmate. Sui Lee is from the moderate family. His father did not work due to illness, while his mother helped Sui Lee’s uncle business. She is the eldest from three siblings.
    Despite she is being difficult, her never showed her sense. Instead, try to help the family. Sui Lee is very famous in school because she is an excellent student. She also has a good character because she likes to help peoples, very respectful and cordial friend and teacher. I like to friend with her because she is a good person and helped me a lot in my study.
    One day, the school was held mutual help clean the school. I and Sui Lee are ask to clean the field. At the time, the weather is very hot. But it does not affect the Sui Lee to do a good job. She just continues her works without feeling tired and gives up. Several times I asked her to stop for a moment to rest.
    My request was ignored by the Sui Lee. He just said 'I only stop when the task is completed. Sui Lee's character was so different from me. I quit doing the job early from Sui Lee. With reason, hot weather makes me tired. I am also afraid of the face will be dark and smelly body as a result of a lot of sweat. Therefore, I let Sui Lee to do the job alone.
    Without my realizing it, my act is observed by a teacher. The teacher suddenly called me. He even said to me ‘why did you let Sui Lee working alone’, ‘as the Muslims I was embarrassed by the attitude that you do not show you as a good Muslim’, ‘Should you as Muslims must show good example to the non-Muslims’.
    After that, I realized that the incident is embarrassing moment in my life as the Muslims. I was also embarrassed by Sui Lee for my bad behaviour. I hope to emulate the good gesture Sui Lee and can be a good example to everyone

    1. In paragraph 1 and line 2, the word "he" suppose to be she because the person is a girl.

  31. Essay 10 : If Only I Listen...

    If only I listening my mother advices 'Do not waste time' is certainly the incident did not occur. When I was 13 years old, I like to watch TV until other work is uncertain. To me, watching TV can get rid of boredom and depression. Although the mid-year examination is due, I just continue the activity without preparing for exams. My mother always advised me not to waste time, but I just said 'the examination still late’.
    I still continue to watch TV until midnight and forgot to do some revision. When the examination was closer is about one day. At that time, I realized that I still don’t any revision and without waste time continue preparing for the exams. At that time I was busy as busy as a bee preparing for exams until forget for my body needs rest to function properly.
    When the next day, the examination begins I woke up late and forgot to have breakfast. I'm feeling very anxious because don’t ready yet. I was very sleepy during the exam because burn oil until midnight, my body too weak because don’t take for the breakfast in the morning. At that time, I could not concentrate enough to answer all questions until I fell asleep.
    Suddenly, 10 minutes before the end of the exam, I woke up from sleep and I still see the paper that has not been answered. When the examination has ended, I am very afraid of sending paper to teacher because there are still many empty spaces. After 1 week. I've got the results. Let me correct when I failed in examination. After that, I went home with a heavy heart.
    Suddenly I remembered my mother's advice: 'Do not waste time. I am very sorry for don’t get good results and does not make my family happy for me. At that time, I realized the importance of time. Every time we take, would affect things. I am also grateful for still not too late to change. Therefore, I will use my time as best as possible.

    1. salam nini , in paragraph 4 line no.20 . what did you mean for the sentences ' Let me correct when I failed in examination'.

  32. School Holiday

    School holidays are the best time for a family to spend their time together at a suitable place. For the last school holidays, my family and I went to Kelantan for the first time ever to attend our relative’s married ceremony. So, my father decided to have a holiday at the same time.

    My father had booked a hotel at Hotel Seri Malaysia. We were treasured in Kelantan for 3 days. For the first day we reached Kelantan, we decided to take a rest because we were very tired along the journey for over 8 hours.

    The next day, we attend to our relative in Kubang Kerian. They were very shocked in our presence because my father was not telling them that we will attend the ceremony. So, our presence was being celebrated by our relatives. I also learned to speak in Kelantan’s dialect or “kecek kelate.”

    For the last day, we went to shopping at Rantau Panjang. They were many types of clothes were be sold there. We also went to Pasar Siti Khadijah where it was the place to buy dishes. Lastly, we visited Pantai Cahaya Bulan. The sea was very clean but we were prohibited bathing at there because the waved was very strong.

  33. If I only listen

    If I only listen to my parents advice, all of these bad incident will not be happen. It was happen when I am in secondary school, more or less I am 16 years old in that time I am very regret with my act in the past. The story begins..
    I am influenced with my friends in my home side to ride a motorcycle although I don’t have the license yet. For the first time I am riding a motorcycle, I always fell and failed but finally I am being a professional rider. I am very satisfied when riding and addicted to be with the motorcycle.
    On the next level, I tried to do the extreme scene like “superman” with the motorcycle. I felt like flying like a bird in the atmosphere. My friends were good hearted to let me lend their Kawasaki Ninja’s bike that is my yearning bike. With my expertise, my friends allowed me to ride his motorcycle in the open racing at Guthrie Highway.
    When I am get ready to go to the racing state from my house. My parents tried to obstruct me but I just charge back and not taking head with their advice and action. My stubbornness had brought me to the dark future. I am involved in an accident and u had to accept that my legs were paralysed.

  34. my family

    The definition of family is a group of people which are related to each other. My family consists of 5 family members who are my parents, my two sisters and me. I am the eldest son in my family. So, I have to be responsible to my sisters’ safety and behaviors.

    In my family, I am closer with my mum and my youngest sister. Without them in our home, our house will be solitary as they are the person that always make me laugh and happy. My father is quiet strict with me in order to teach me how to respect the person that is older than us. All of his teach will be always in my mind.

    My eldest sister is a quite fierce girl and sometimes we were had some quarrel. But both of us are become bigger with the time revolution and we can think more maturely. Back to the story of my mom, we are very close because we like to converse our free time. Furthermore, we also have the same hobby that is gardening. We like to upgrade our flowers landscape together.

    My youngest sister is pampered with me although she is 9 years old right now. It has been habitual in our life and I feel happy with the condition. In conclusion, I love my family. My family is always beside whenever I am in happy and sad moments. Our relationship wills always everlasting till the end of our life.

  35. Random act of kindness
    Kindness is the quality of being gentle, caring and helpful with humans or animals. I want to tell you a story about the kindness that my friend named Mizan had made.

    I and Mizan were walking together every day to go home after the school period. We were very closed to each other since we were 6 years old. He was a polite boy and not snobbish person.
    One day, as we were on our way to go home, we saw a dirty cat in the drain. It was the usual incident that I have ever experienced. But what surprising us were two legs of the unlucky cat had been cut by irresponsible person.
    In my mind, I just wanted to let the cat by but Mizan showed his kindness characteristics. He willingly want to become the cat as his pet. Now, the cat has become bigger and the media always attract to show the kindness that Mizan had made 4 years ago.

  36. Love

    Love can be defined as the person that we feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to us. If you say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in kind and caring way towards them.

    I don’t want to tell all of you about my love story, but I just want to give the story about love in some teenagers. In my investigation the amount of couples among the students in my school, clearly seen that it is so high.

    What I have known is 2 per 3 of the students in my school have been couple or fall in love with their love one. We have to remember that falling in love in young age can cause many problems. One of the impact is students will always become lazy to study and only focus in ‘sms’ with their love one or hang out together in shopping complex.

    The biggest problem that has cause by “love” is the dumping of the innocence babies. Because of love, the couples guess to do execrable things. Usually, the man doesn’t want to get responsible and the woman takes the action to dump the baby in order to get rid by being ashamed by the communities. So, be careful if you are in love and always think it better.

  37. Person I admire
    The definition of admire is someone that we like about the characteristics of that person and make us to respect them. So, the characteristics of the person that I admire must be in the best quality. The person I admire is Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad.

    I have many purposes to be his admirer. Firstly, he had given many good deeds to our country. He had made the evolution of modernization to our country while he was being the Prime Minister of Malaysia a long time ago. Tun Dr. Mahathir is also called as “Bapa Pemodenan Negara”.

    The existence of Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) and Menara Kuala Lumpur were being recorded in the World Book Of Records as one of the highest building in the world. Both structures were the sign of intelligence of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. The idea of the construction of the buildings was being created by him.

    Next, the most important thing I admire him is his loyalty to do his study to our beloved country. Although he is in the old age right now and always being operate because if his heart disease, it is not be the barrier to carry out his duties to make Malaysia move forward and achieve our vision in the year 2020.
